
eCommerce SEO Case study

the challenge

This eCommerce SEO Case Study covers one of UK’s largest Home Goods Retailor, with a massive online store, and the largest Factory Showroom in the West Midlands Region.


With established on-ground infrastructure and a long history in the industry, the Business have strong brand recognition across the UK and parts of Europe.

At the time when Digital Chakra initiated consultation with the Client, they had started to experience a growth plateau with regards to site visibility and online revenues. 

The Company Director had a clear Focus: Improve the website’s online visibility in Search Engines with SEO, leading to more traffic, and ultimately higher online sales revenues.  


site issues

We went over the Client’s Business Goals and the Company’s history to get a good understanding of all past SEO work. Additionally, we conducted thorough initial research to identify gaps and issues that the website was experiencing.

One of the most interesting things about this SEO Case Study is that the Client had worked with 3-4 established UK Based SEO Agencies in the past. However, when we audited their site, we found glaring loopholes and several gaps, that made us question the quality of previous SEO work done onsite.

We identified following areas that were critical and needed to be addressed:

  1. Poor On-Page Optimisation for the Home Page and Important Category Pages
  2. Significant Drop in Organic Search Rankings  For Important Industry Keywords
  3. Poor Quality Blog Content That Had Exceptionally High Bounce Rates
  4. Inferior Quality and Spammy Backlinks That Were Hurting The Site
  5. Low Conversions For Visitors Landing On the Site

our ESTIMAtion for result TIMELINES

  • Traffic Boost From On-Page SEO & Link Building: Between 2 – 6 months to start seeing noticeable search visibility improvements 
  • Online Visibility Boost From Content: Anywhere between 6- 12 months 
  • Revenue Boost From Conversion Optimisation: A minimum of 3 months

eCommerce SEO plan execution

phase 1: organic search


Identified gaps in the Site’s Meta-data, Site Performance, Indexation, Crawl Errors, Site Speed, Google Search Console, and more.


Performed Keyword Research to identify relevant high-volume industry keywords, and long-tail keywords, that offered untapped Business Opportunities.


  • Optimised all website category and sub-category pages with relevant Meta tags including Titles, Descriptions and Header tags.
  • Improved page content for several website pages, factoring in relevancy, keyword density, semantic search intent and other important factors.


Reviewed the client’s existing local citations and identified inconsistencies in several listings, and outdated information across multiple directories.


  • Based on a detailed Technical Audit, we identified issues related to the site’s Cache settings, page size, performance and speed, Javascript and CSS minification – and addressed each of the issues over time.

  • Additionally, we implemented site wide structured data mark ups to strengthen ranking signals and improve click through rates.

phase 2: content management & link building

content development

  • After a thorough content audit, keyword-research and competitive analysis, we created a Detailed Month-wise Content-Calendar for the client blog

  • We started to develop relevant, high-quality, query-based, blog content for users

  • Finally, we identified gaps in the poorly written existing and old content that was already ranking but had very low levels of engagement and high bounce rates (>90%). We focused on cleaning up old content, aggregating articles wherever possible, and optimising the Blog for better engagement.

link building

  • In order to improve Brand visibility and Ranking Signals through link building, we established a clear plan of action in line with industry best practices.

  • We worked with several industry partners to leverage the power of backlinks and to tap into opportunities from high domain authority sites.


website navigation

  • We streamlined the existing Navigation Structure in a way that allowed website visitors to find what they were looking for, clearly, efficiently & quickly.

  • To achieve an optimal site navigation experience, we followed a detailed process of keyword-mapping, leveraging taxonomy principles, long-tail keywords, and competitor analysis


  • For visitors that came through to the website via organic and other channels, the Check-out process was one of the weakest links with an unusually high drop-off rate.

  • The client website had gone through a few different iterations of check-out optimisations in the past, but there was still a huge scope for improvement.

  • We collaborated with the Client Development Team to simplify the checkout process, with an aim to reduce fricition and drop-off, as much as possible. The final result was a greatly optimised check-out flow, enabling higher conversions and reduced cart abandonments.

the results

Reaping benefits from SEO takes time and consistent effort, till search engines start finding the site valuable and start ranking the Business for the industry-relevant search terms and query strings. 

For less competitive keywords, small SEO changes can lead to quick wins, whereas for very high volume keywords, it may take months to notice reasonable positive shifts.

SEO case study result timelines:


Monthly Traffic


Avg. Monthly revenue


additional Annual Revenue


blog traffic

As this SEO Case Study demonstrates, our work has generated exponential growth for this eCommerce Business, and they continue to grow. The results achieved have been the result of hard work, consistent Team Effort, and implementation of sound SEO Best Practices.

We Continue To Work With The Client To Further Improve Site Profitability And Revenue Through Conversion Optimisation, and SEO Improvements.

Would you like to be our next SEO case study?

We help Ecommerce Businesses gain higher visibility and conversions online with our SEO, CRO, and Analytics solutions. 

If you’re looking to improve your eCommerce Business’s online IMPACT with improved Search Visibility and Site Conversions, get in touch for a Free Discovery Call With Us.

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